
If you have ever been to Thailand, you probably noticed what shiny and thick hair of Thai women. The secret of the beauty inherent in the very nature of Thailand. All beauty products for hair care products made from natural ingredients - oils, extracts from plants, fruit, seaweed. The recipes for masks and means for washing and hair care passed from generation to generation, preserving the beauty and shine of Thai beauties to old age. In our store you will find everything you need so that your hair get volume, shine and health.
Shampoo & Conditioner
Be beautiful to the very ends of the hair will help you the magic recipes of nature from Thai producers, hidden in natural shampoos. Restore the natural elasticity and give the hair a splendor - every woman dreams about it. And organic Thai shampoos, like a magical genie, will fulfill everyone's dream.
In hair shampoos from Thailand, there are natural herbs and oils, which have a positive effect not only on the appearance and thickness of the head of hear but also on the scalp.
In Thai, shampoos are collected in various oils, coconut, jojoba, grapefruit oil, lemongrass, green tea, as well as other natural ingredients and herbs. Such a complex composition of vitamins restores even lifeless and dull hair.
Hair treatment
Thai hair treatment.
If the hair does not puff up with health and does not have beauty, if there is a problem of split ends, hair loss, seborrhea, fragility, excessive fatness or, conversely, dry hair, then natural Thai hair treatments will solve these problems.
Hair masks
Thai natural hair masks.
Thai hair masks are the right way to protect and care for your hair. Thai masks protect hair from the external environment, make them more shiny and silky, masks fill the hair with essential nutrients.
Thai natural hair masks are products donated by nature itself and turning ordinary home hair care into a pleasant and effective procedure.
Unique combinations of natural plant components, oils and vitamins protect hair, stimulate hair growth, add density and volume to the hair providing a lasting result.
Oils for Hair
Oils for hair are saturated with a variety of nutrients, proteins, fats, and vitamins. Applying just a couple of drops of such a miracle elixir, you'll save your locks from loss of moisture, increase growth, forget about the split ends and you'll fight the opposite floor with the mirror shine of your head of hair!